
Showing posts from February, 2021


  Expressing like and dislike penting untuk mengutarakan perasaan kita terhadap sesuatu yang kita sukai dan tidak sukai. Coba bayangkan jika kita hanya diam saja ketika disuguhi makanan yang kita tidak sukai, pasti rasanya tidak enak kan? Nah mari kita langsung saja kita simak expressing like and dislike dalam bahasa inggris. Expressing Like I like...  (aku suka...) I love...  (aku suka...) I really like...  (aku sangat suka...) I really love...  (aku sangat suka...) I'm fond of...  (aku suka dengan...) I enjoy...  (aku menikmati...) I really enjoy...  (aku sangat menikmati...) I am crazy about...  (aku tergila-gila dengan...) I am very keen on...  (aku sangat tertarik pada...) Expressing Dislike I don’t like …  (aku tidak suka …) I don't think I like...  (aku pikir aku tidak suka...) I dislike …  (aku tidak suka …) I hate …  (aku benci …) I am not fond …  (aku tidak menyukai …) I can’t bear …  (aku tidak ta...


J enis - Jenis Adverb Jenis Adverb ada 5, yaitu Adverb of Time, Adverb of Place, Adverb of Manner, Adverb of Frequency, dan Adverb of Degree Mari kita lihat penjelasannya di bawah ini. Adverbs of Time (When) Adverb of Time yaitu kata keterangan yang dipakai untuk menyatakan kapan suatu aktivitas/peristiwa terjadi. Dengan kata lain adverb ini menunjukkan waktu terjadinya peristiwa. Contohnya seperti today, tomorrow, last night, next year, dan lain-lain. Contoh kalimat :  - I went to Seoul  last year   (aku pergi ke seoul tahun lalu) -  Tomorrow  I will have an English exam  (besok aku akan ujian bahasa inggris) Adverb of Place (Where) Adverb of place adalah kata keterangan yang menjelaskan dimana tempat terjadinya suatu kejadian/peristiwa. Contohnya seperti in, at, on, beside, above, there, below, dan lain sebagainya. Contoh kalimat :  I am sitting  beside  my mother  on  the bus  (aku duduk di sebelah ibuku ketika berada di bis...


Sura and Baya A long time ago, there were two animals, Sura and Baya. Sura was the name of a shark and Baya was a crocodile. They lived in a sea. Once Sura and Baya were looking for some food. Suddenly, Baya saw a goat. "Yummy, this is my lunch," said Baya. "No way! This is my lunch. You are greedy" said Sura. Then they fought for the goat. After several hours, they were very tired. Feeling tired of fighting, they lived in the different places. Sura lived in the water and Baya lived in the land. The border was the beach, so they would never fight again. One day, Sura went to the land and looked for some food in the river. He was very hungry and there was not much food in the sea. Baya was very angry when he knew that Sura broke the promise. They fought again. They both hit each other. Sura bit Baya’s tail. Baya did the same thing to Sura. He bit very hard until Sura finally gave up and Awent back to the sea. Baya was happy.   TUGAS 4  Answer the question below ! 1. ...